Akademischer Werdegang
- 1993 – 1998 Studium an der Fakultät für Chemische Technik, Slowakische Technische Universität in Bratislava, Slowakei. Diplom in Chemietechnik, Fachrichtung Automatisierung
- 2014 Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. FernUniversität in Hagen, Deutschland.
- März 2018 Einleitung des Habilitationsverfahrens
- März 2018 Fachrichtung Prozessautomatisierung und Regelungstechnik, FernUniversität in Hagen, Deutschland.
Verantwortliche Tätigkeiten außerhalb der Lehre
- Aug. 2004 – Sept. 2004 Forschungsingenieur, Prozesssteuerung und Regelungstechnik bei der DUSLO SALA AG, Sala, Slowakei
- Sept. 2004 – Aug. 2008 Forschungsingenieur, Prozesssteuerung und Regelungstechnik bei der INCHEM GmbH, Slowakei
- 2015 Jelenciak F., Gerke M., Borgolte U.: Modelling of Airship Flight Mechanics by the Projective Equivalent Method. In: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 12, No.12 (2015).
- 2015 Jelenciak, F; Gerke, M.; Borgolte, U.; Bahnik, P.: Airship Aerodynamics – simple control of the elementary flight. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Process Control (IEEE Xplore),Strbske Pleso, High Tatras, Slovak Republic, 18‐12 June 2015, S. 381-386
- 2013 Seibold, P.; Gerke, M.; Masar, I.; Jelenciak, F.; Bahnik, P.; Bahr, L.: Detection of powerlines by image processing. In: Tavares, J.M.; Natal Jorge, R.M.:
- Computational Vision and Medical Image-Processing, London 2013, S. 203- 210.
- 2012 Gerke, M.; Borgolte, U.; Masar, I.; Jelenciak F.; Bahnik, P.; Al-Rashedi, N. T. A.: Lighter-Than-Air UAVs for Surveillance and Environmental Monitoring. In: Aschenbruck, N.; Martini, P.; Meier, M., Tölle, J. (Hrsg): Future Security. 7th Future Security Research Conference, Bonn, September 4-6, 2012, S. 480- 483.
- 2011 Jelenciak, F.: Mathematical Modeling and Implementation of the Airship Navigation. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Controll in Tatranska Lomnica, June 14–17, 201, S. 479-484.
- 2011 Jelenciak, F.: Mathematical modeling of the airship navigation. In: 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, EUROCAST 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 6.2 – 11.2 2011.
- 2011 Jelenciak, F., Masar I.: Mathematical Modeling and Implementation of the Airship Navigation. In: AT&P Journal 2/2011.
- 2009 Jelenciak, F.; Tapak, P.; Huba, M.: Mathematical Modeling and Identification of Thermal Plant. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Process Control 2009, Strbske Pleso, Slovak Republic, 09.-12.06. 2009.
- 2009 Huba, M.; Jelenciak F.; Tapak P.: Comparing Algebraic and Constrained Pole Assignment Controllers for Thermal Systems. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5717, EUROCAST 2009, Las Palmas de Grand Canaria, Spain, 15-20.02. 2009.
- 2008 Jelenciak, F.; Huba, M.; Gerke, M.: Constrained Pole Assignment Control for Nonlinear Plants. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on electrical and Power Engineering, Iasi, Romania, October 2008, S. 547-554.
- 2003 Dermisek, L.; Jelenciak F.; Mikles J.: Dynamic model of a reactor. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of SSCHE, SSCHE Bratislava, Tatranské Matliare (Slovakia), 2003.
- 2003 Dermisek, L.; Jelenciak F.; Mikles J.: Dynamic model and optimal control of a reactor. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Process Control '03, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Strbske Pleso, High Tatras (Slovakia), 2003.
- 2001 Dvoran, J.; Dvoranova, J.; Tallo, M.; Jelenciak, F.; Dzivak, J.: Design of Neuro –fuzzy control for a stirred tank reactor. In: Proceedings of the 13th Int. Conference Process Control ’01, Strbske Pleso, 11.6-14.6.2001, Summaries volume, S.192.
- 2001 Dzivak, J.; Mikles, J.; Jelenciak, F.: Nonlinear feedback control of a continous stirred tank reactor. In: Proceedings of the 13th Int. Conference Process Control ’01, Strbske Pleso, 11.6-14.6.2001, Summaries volume, S. 48.
- 2001 Jelenciak, F.; Mikles, J.: Process identification: Nonlinear systems. In: Proceedings of the13th Int. Conference Process Control ’01, Strbske Pleso, 11.6-14.6.2001, Summaries volume, S. 80.
- 2000 Mikles, J.; Dzivak J.; Jelenciak, F.; Kozka, S.; Fikar, M.; Meszaros A.: Polynomial design methods applied to feedback control of a continuous stirred tank reactor. In: Europoly Newsletter, No. 1 (2000), S. 8-10.
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